The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Rallye du Singapour et Deux

Its been a while since i played/chiong sua/run/walk in the rain. It was really a refreshing feeling, the rain hitting your face, cooling your body, as you speed along at 30 km/h on a 4 km long piece of road (Tampines Road). It literally feels like small stones at that speed, but i was fun.
I managed to get out of the house at the right time, in between thunderstorms, and managed to get as far as Old Tampines Road, before it started to pour. I took shelter at a nearby bus stop and put all stuff into Ziplocs (thank God for BMT). Then i waited till it got less heavy and started out again.
The bad thing about Old Tampines Road is that is very poorly lit, has only 2 lanes, and cars normally speed on it. life almost ended.Thank God his protection.
*sigh of relief*
By the time i reached the end of the road, and it came to Tampines Road, the rain was beating hard again, but still i continued, since i was already wet, and hadn't done this in a long time. I stopped halfway through cause it was getting such that i couldnt open my eyes, so i got off, and put on my Ferrari Goggles. LOL. Then continued in the rain all the way to Hougang Ave 3, then along Ave 2, to AMK non-stop. The only crappy thing was the hills and slopes, but surprisingly, this time round, my stamina greatly improved from the last trip with Matthew, and my legs were still raring to go LOL. Plus I was using my gears more.
Reached AMK about 10 plus, and waited for Jeremy, who got worried about me cause i didnt pick up my phone, and cycled to Hougang Ave 2 to look for me...what a bro.
So we met up, and after a refreshing 100 plus at 7-11, we sprinted to Presbytarian High at Yio Chu Kang. Reached there at precisely 2330. Then we made our way along the long route to Yishun via Yio Chu Kang road and Upper Thomson road. Waaaahhh, up and down, up and down, we were going on a roller coaster....
In the rain once again , we stopped and chatted about stuff, near the NESSEA club. Then made our way to Northpoint...via the SUPER BIG SLOPE outside Nee Soon Camp. Lucky for me, my gearing ratio was good, poor jeremy was suffering with his low seating and crappy, yeah training. :P
So we made it to Northpoint, and kept going till we got hungry, so we went to Chong Pang (my camp) and had mashed potato and some chicken briyani from 7-11.

were only halfway there
we cycled through Yishun, up towards Sembawang along Yishun Ave 2. Then we made a detour near the Yishun Fire station, riding in a park along the canal. We rode, and we rode, and we rode some more.....till we reached the mouth of the canal, which led to the sea.
It was beauiful.
Luckily Jeremy's phone had a good camera and video function. So we took some pics ( which i hope will be out soon). Then we cycled back another way....back....
damn darn im tired, and this is a long basically...
Im glad i spent the night with jeremy, and also cause i got to talk to him about certain issues, and waht he said, really made sense. People from the outside can see better, than those inside.
So we managed to pull through to AMK, and then we parted ways.
I had a long loooooooooooooong journey to make back alone, at 4 in the morning....sheesh, but it was fun.
Reached back at 5, and my sis was going to work. So had some nice bread with condensed milk, Milo, had a shower, and plopped onto the bed, with my quads burning like hell, but i managed to endure.
A wonderful expereince.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Night ( Afternoon also ) on the town.

Im trying to type this as softly as possible cause everyone esle is asleep...damn darn this is going to take long...
Took the train to Bugis, after 2 yummy egg thosais at home courtesy of my granny. Made my way to Sim Lim Tower, to look for a worm gear set and/or possibly decorations for the butterfly wing im making for auntie malini. Did a lot of research, and mechanical linkage design. I have a design, but just need the right components so i went to the Akihabara of Singapore, Sim Lim. Being a Mechatronics student, i have visited the place a lot, so lucky i was quite familiar with the shops.
The first shop i went to was the Industrial spare parts store, where they have all used parts from industrial equipment and sell it as second hand stuff. I found what i was looking for, but it was brand new boxed worm gear set. ( i wanted a second hand gear set, to keep the cost down ) The new one cost $25 dollars. *i wasnt going to pay that much* so i left.
Went around some more, and found another shop which was selling small used ones for...$10.80, so i checked the voltage, tested the thing, and bought it...(25 and 10.80 is a very big diff) was only worried if the motor had enough torque to move the wings.
Then came the best part.....I walked 1 floor down, and found a little shop, selling the same new set.
FOR ONLY $17 i bought that too. Cause a new set would have a lesser chance of failing


A new set? lesser chance of failing? Makes me think of i that useless already that im failing miserably?


So bought that, some wires, and a switch. Then high-tailed it out of there.

Was supposed to meet Kim Yong and Nadiah at 6 for dinner...looked at the clock...3 o clock...wth am i supposed to do till then....( thats the beauty of shopping alone, no one to govern your movement ) so...i went next door to Sugei Road..yes the Karang Guni Man's Supermarket.
IF you are not affected by the smell and the condition of the items, this is a Bargain Heaven, and an antique collectors treasure chest. Things from yesteryear can be found here, though not in tip top condition, they can be restored. I managed to buy a rear blinker light for tomorrow's cycling trip for just $2 ( normally about $7) and i saw a gorgeous brass fan...for $45....sigh...should come here more often.
So then after 2 rounds, i still had time, so i walked down to near Mustaffa, and to this small indian shop, and had 2 plain pratas and teh tarik, it was about tea time. Then took 65 and met Cherine at Somerset at about 5. She followed me to buy some Balsa wood for the wings at the Orchard Store.
Then we walked along Orchard, chatting away, till we met Nadiah at Orchard MRT, then waited for the rest and we moved to Swensens..
Been a loooong time since i saw Kim Yong...He lost about..oh...25kgs....( he was 99kg! ) He looks really great now, so proud to be his friend eh....for umm....10 years.
So we had dinner at Swensens ( Chicken baked rice with extra cheese, my fav ), and then chilled out at the coffee bean at Paragon. ( Actually just across the road ). Had some blueberry cheesecake, and Morrocan Mint tea......mmmmmm, that was a refreshing taste. Catching up on whose getting married and whose enganged, and where everybody is.
Then we went to Taka to take some photos...on the way, we met Suzie....omg she looked stunning lah...after so long like 6 years never see her. :P
oh yes photoshoot...hehe....then we called it a day....headed home.

1 hr 42 mins to type this blog.


Sunday, November 27, 2005


Came back home after church and konked out on the bed...only to be jolted out of sleep by my HP. Went to meet YD at Expo, and we went for two exhibitions....Big Boyz Toyz and SITEX.
Lucky us, Big Boyz Toyz had a 20% discount for SAFRA members...lucky i still have my card. hehehe.
So....yeah, the thing was sponsored by FHM, so naturally there were all the Race Queens ( most of them couldnt make it )...and the main stars, the cars of course. Lucky me, i saw both my future cars at the show. The first was from Autobahn Motors at Bukit Timah Road, my dream car, which will be mine in 8.5 years time, The 1975 Ferrari 308 GTB, a classic V8 ferrari which is very rare indeed. Then we walked around some more, saw some skater guy jump over a hayabusa and some girls. LOL, damn he should have crashed into the bike...wonder how much it was insured for...*hmmmm*
Went over to the Swee Lee booth and there were some guys jamming with jazz.....damn they were good. LOL, but also the car outside the Swee Lee booth...My next dream, was a 2003 Nissan Skyline R34 glourious pearl white, stock, save for the rims.
So then after taking some pics...which are at the end of this post...we moved on to SITEX, which was at the next hall.

So yeah, from cool suave dudes, we went to geeks. Well ok, not that its bad lah, just into COMPUTER goodness, so many queues everywhere for freebies, and discounts, typical singaporeans lah. there wasnt much goodies to see. except for the PSP, and Ipod.
Then we went to TM for dinner....
Oh yes, and YD, being the great bro that he is, bought me a special coat edition of the Valkyrie VF1-S Macross all the way from TAIWAN!!! waaahhh!!! that is like so rare.....i dont know if i should keep it in the box or bulid it.......sigh, its soo beautiful, unassembled.

So yeah, TM for dinner, at New York Pizza....something hilarious ( ok i was smiling to inside )....when we got our Pizzas, which were in a box....and on the top of the box...was scribbled something. i looked closer, and there was the word...Handsome.


wth. i was pleasantly surprised...and my ego also went up lah....just a teeeeny weeeeny little bit :P

so yeah enjoyed the pizza, and some taiwanese street food, then we checked out a new model shop (Hobby Point) at Century square. at least now i don't have to go so far for my modelling stuff. Price range also not bad.

Ferrari 308 GTB

Ferrari 308 GTB

Ferrari 308 GTB

Ferrari 355 Spider

Lamborghini Gallardo

Nissan Skyline R34 GTR

Nissan Skyline R34 GTR


Saturday, November 26, 2005

A night to remember...

2 am, and the rain is pouring....*oops! wrong song!* hehe.

Was actually 1745 in the evening on thursday when i left my house. I love to do most of my shopping, less for clothes, alone. So i took the train to Bugis, and down to a certain wallet shop. I have my reasons for buying this beautiful, purple butterfly motifed wallet. The main reason was cheering a certain someone up, cause i knew she was really sad cause of certain outcomes. Anyway, after going through 5, yes FIVE different designs, and a few smses. I finally made the choice, and was praying all throughout that i didnt choose the wrong one. :p

Made my way through Bugis street all the way to Sim not for computer stuff, on the contrary, to get a fuel bottle for my R/C car. Many dont know this, but there is an R/C shop at the basement.

I love shopping alone sometimes cause it gives me time to think and choose, and find the best possible deal. No pressure, no rush, just you, your money and the thing you want to buy....provided you have enough in your EZlink card lah. You can go anywhere. I have gone from Tampines to Jurong, then to Orchard, just looking for a particular car model i wanted to buy (for a good price). I guess it shows my determination if getting what i want. And im not giving up. Neither on my studies, nor on....well.... :)

So after Sim Lim, i went to Komala Villas at Tekka, and bought some sweet stuff, which i know Dim Sum and her family would love. (I love evrything i bought also, so it wasnt hard to choose).

Then took 143 or was it 147....sheesh, cant remember. Anyway, was supposed to get down at the Serangoon MRT station, but unfortunately, i got down 1 bus stop to i had to walk and try and find a bus to get to her house. Oh ya, my whole journey of explaoration was driven by two factors, give the thread i bought to Auntie Malini, and also to make Dim Sum feel a little better.

So yeah, stopped over, and Auntie Malini, being the kind hospitable 'mom' that she is, invited me in for a drink, which became a converstaion, which became dinner, which became, more conversation, and then Pram came back, more convertsation, 'muruku', pineapple tarts, then Dim Sum's dad came back...then came the best got into a conversation about spiritual maturity, and the right age for marriage....*Gosh, what was i getting into*....but i found out he was not the strong but silent type, but very knowledagble, and i was really astounded and blessed to be able to talk to him. We both dont fancy football, and plan to start the MWDFS 'Men Who Don't Fancy Soccer' club.........


Kidding. But yeah, we have that in common, and badminton. i guess its off to a good start. What is? you ask....well that is for me to know.....and for you never to find out.....
(well depends who YOU are)

So yeah, talked until quite late, the family getting to know me much more. The funny thing was however....said subject was not there. Once again, my point is proven, but no one seems to believe me.*sigh*. Left at 1130++ then took a cab back, and knocked out straight.

Today...Friday...woke up, got changed, and met Bridget, from Perth, at Orchard, and we went for lunch at Swensens at Orchard. Was a crappy piece of Fish and Chips that i had to emulsify in my mouth, and swallow. *yuck*. But at least it filled my stomach. So after our lunch and little walk around Orchard. She had to go. Was nice meeting her after so long :)

Neways, walked around Orchard abit, then went to Bras Basah to get a good hobby knife. And then church for a special prophetic combined (8 churches) prayer meeitng. After the Annointed but minimalistic worship, we had dinner, and now im back typing away...

Im just really glad about yesterday, though it could have been better, i know everything is in his time.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Simplified Complications

Met my dear Nick Jazz for lunch at Cuppage. We had a nice meal while discussing the future of our band, and the history also. What genre we want to pursue, and the direction we want to go. Talked about some jazz and latin covers we want to do.
Then we went to Centerpoint, to SinS....oooooh the to buy for someone, but unfortunately, if i had, it would have melted by the time i waited for it to be deleiverd, though it was meant to be a treatfor her during the exams. *sigh*
Moved on to look for CDs, at HMV. Was so keen on listening to the new Simply Red CD. In fact, so keen, i took it, listened to the first track, and decided to buy it. lol. That good, and im not a really impulsive this is a real good deal. If that is you're into Cuban Jazz, and the whole latin jazz genre.
Haha, Nick kept setting off the alarm...was some of his library books and the CD (we both bought the Simply Red CD). Poor guy, looked sooo lost. Lol.
So yeah, Nick and me parted ways and i went to Taka looking for chocolate shops (cause i was still hopeful and determined), then to Orhard Emarald, then to Orchard Point, bought some paint for my RC car at Elite Racing. Then headed to the bus stop....
Had so much time to kill cause of the messed up schedule. So in the end i took the bus to church. The best place to go if you're down and out.

There is always hope in HIM, no matter how broken or hurt you are. For me, the piano is my gift, my annointing, and my way of release. So yeah, was releasing alot. :) with the guitar, drums, and bass also.

Managed to learn and create some new jazz progressions and chords. And now am determined to master the jazz cover of "Fly me to the moon" (my all time fav jazz piece).

Had prayer meeting after that. Was great cause i got what i needed to hear, and the most touching thing was, my dad prayed for me, being the assitant pastor, and my brother was behind me and my mom was holding my hand....what more could i ask for.

joshie out.
stay on track.


Just came back from a birthday party at loyang villas, with my family, senior pastor's family , and some other leaders. Had some great chappati, dahl, salad, tiramisu ice cream with brownies. oooohhh..yum yum.
Though i'd love to say i enjoyed myself, the statement above would only be 1/4 truth.

Sometimes people are so afraid to offend or lose someone you care about that you never let them know what you truly think. 2 things can happen.
1) You lose every opportunity you get to let them know who you are.
2) You hurt that person when he/she realises that he/she is not needed, wanted or thought about in a specific way. ( the hurt is in not being frank, open and honest ).

Funny how the same thinking can produce 2 different results.

*tears of determination*

Still i press on, why? Not because of a goal i have to achieve. Not because to prove to myself i can do it. Because what i see, the hope and future, no one else has put inside me except...Him. I know it because for the first time i can see Him in every aspect. He has his time, He has his season. For the two major things in my life now.

In the modified lyrics of a famous boy band ( not that i listen to them)....
"What do i gotta do to make you....know me?"

joshie out.

Friday, November 18, 2005

8/ 8/ X X 0/ X 3- 9/ X X 7/7

Well, that was my best score for today, at the GLS cohesion day, at SAFRA yishun. Was a real fun...we were leading for the first 6 frames...damn, we lost momentum....we lost to the first team to about 68 points and we got about 4th or 5th. But it was a fun game, i had a good time warming up to bowling after 3 years....and got a sore and swollen forearm in the process....being too determined to win sometimes eliminates your pain receptors.......ouch......
Well i wasnt my top hey, been rotting in the army for so long.

Woke up at 0545. hehe. Cause i had to help Aunty Eswari...hmm i hope the spelling is correct. :P
Reached TKPS at 0705...stupid bus was early. The kids were once again dolls. Today's kids were all from drama class, so it was much easier to work with them. And all of them were sooooo talented. The Elephant, mousedeer, tiger, bees, butterflies, that was a cute joke.....and monkeys.

So today was a friutful day....and tomorrow will be also. Cause tomorrow is Youth Worship.....wohooooo......
*silently in my little heart, i wish papplion could share in my love. though papplion shares in my passion, calling and fervency so closely, its just to hard for papplion to see*


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bored to death

For the second time in my life, i woke up, wondering what am i going to do today. This is a rare occasion, cause i always have something planned for the day.
Art?Music?My R/C car?Modelling?Blog?Presents?What to do....

OOoohh the thunderstorm last night was windows almost the vibrations caused by the sound wave reflecting of the window panes almost caused the glass to reach its natural frequency...*phew i still remember my physics*

joshie out

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


SujAngel.'Nuf said


You know how surprises catch you off guard when you least expect it...
Even more when its from someone you about. A lovely, beautiful gift, from someone as beautiful as...well words would just be insufficient.

sometimes i just wonder why its like this...

*heart hurting as this point*

*comes back*

Is it so hard for you to see through that thick brick wall. crap. whatever i say next wont matter so i wont bother.
My future is also bugging me so much, its so hard. crap.
I really wish the sky would fall...
But im still NOT giving up......both.

J raJ out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Trolls, Goats, and Butterflies...

Went out to TKPS today, to help Auntie malini with the face painting for her drama. Its funny how you can do something over and over again, and though it seems boring, it never is, cause its something you love to do so much. Even more when its for someone you respect and and admire.
So yeah, woke up at 0615, to get ready and left the house at 0715 ( after a lot of gel, wax, and a whole lot of hair drying...). Thank God the bus was on time, i was abit early also, but i was so spaced out in the bus. Just wondering what to do. And thinking bout my future...
Anyways, the kids were a real joy, though not as exciting as the P2s. sad to say. But kids are kids, and i would not definitely stop at 2. oops. hehe. So yeah, bees, butterflies, a troll, goats, the gingerbread man, dogs, name it, we had it. It was a Zoo...haha. A cute one.
Was booked for another face paint on friday also...hehe. So after the whole event went for some yummy vegetarian at Joo Chiat. Not bad leh...very yummy. Just Greens. Got teased and praised, blushed. haha.
Spent some quality time with Auntie Malini, talking about stuff...Took the bus to AMK, then on to woodlands, collected some stuff, then headed home.
End of a Frutiful day.


Sunday, November 13, 2005


So finally start writing about my little shopping trip to KL...a short but good one, my first without my family along. Sort of testing my independance?
Left on wed morning, 6 am, met JL at tampines, and took his Honda Jazz (highly modified with stiff sus, till i felt like puking at the back!). Met LZ and Leong at woodlands and went for breakie at central.
We left JB about 8, and drove straight to Ayer Keroh, stopping for petrol LZ was craving for A&W...hahha, we all were...coney dogs, waffles, Root Beer floats *drooooool* somethings you cant find in Sgp anymore.*sigh*
Then i drove from AK to KL, we were doing a steady 170 or 175, with a few slow sections cause of the cops, and some roadworks.
Reached KL about 1 and headed straight for Bintang. Then we walked around looking for a hotel (was fun but no choice coz we never booked a hotel) Finally settled at Capitol hotel, coz it had complimentary parking. Had a goooooooood nap, then we headed out for dinner at jalan Imbi, the best roadside makan stalls in KL...sedapnya. *slurp*A whole lot of food....sting ray, char kway teow, satay, penang lobak, claypot chicken rice...was so bloated after that... :P (bad gluttonny)....luckily we had a long walk after that, went to Planet Hollywood, but they were packed with Mats and Minahs cause Awie and his band were regardless of the eye candy ( good and horrible )...we made our way to Concorde, and the Hard Rock Cafe...looking for a good live band, and a place to chill. So based on my 2 year old mental map of KL...we made our way, bypassing some good places to Party, and also some bapoks along the way...(reminiscent of Changi village)...Anyways, besides, the queasy feeling....we managed to make our way there, to be entertained by a great band ( the 1.5 click walk was worth it)...who were tighter than a spandex leotard... :D ....playing B.E.P, alicia keys, to Linkin Park, to Green Day...gave me new inspiration for my band.
So........ after a vodka lime and bacardi....we made our long overland trek back, to wipe out some of the alcohol...

Funny how the theme song for the whole trip was that italian techno song for the Chicken Little trailer. speaking of which.....I've watched it already....and it hasnt opened in SGP...go watch it.

So besides, shopping at Megamall, Times Square, Sungei Wang and Petaling street, we got to go to Cosmos World...the indoor theme park at Times Square...and went on th coaster 2 about cheap thrills...hehe...basically went wild there lah...

The only place we didnt go was KLCC...what a waste, but we wouldnt have bought anything there lah...

So besides waltzing around KL, we had a good break from the routine...of Singapore life.

Drove back to Sgp on friday afternoon, had lunch at a chinese restraunt at Sungei wang..*yummy*...and left KL and headed straight for Ayer Keroh, coz LZ wanted to get some bears form A&W....haha...all of us had to buy something.

Drove from Ayer Keroh to JB, straight to Holiday Plaza, for some DVD shopping. Bought the newly released Final Fantasy VII Advent children, ( by this time ive already watched it twice :P )

So reached back home at around 7 plus, and that was the end of my short shopping trip.

Oh ya....bought a beautiful shirt from SUB, and a pair of sparco puma racing shoes. in RED. hehe.

J RAJ out.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Repititive, Repetition, Repercussion, Why..... (leaving for KL)

Yesterday, was a totally unfruitful day. I actually gave the benefit of a doubt, and in return i got the same old story again...why, why, why, why, why....and i was totally calm and i just listened, till the point insults were being unecessarily thrown about and vulgarities, were being spewed from a certain mouth. This was unacceptable, so i just ended it there and we just left, i had to endure a few painful physical actions ( for what? i dont know)

Rushed home cause i had a TOP SECRET project to work on, one that i truly enjoyed...then in the morning, lucky i woke up in time to help avert a major disaster. :P

Then i found out.....haiys.....i wont say it. All i CAN say is, it was hurtful, unecessary, and ultimately.....shitty.

I just hope that from now on, things will get better.

I pray

joshie :(

tomorrow im leaving for KL, shopping, but my mind is still here....and my heart to, in another.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Driving the driven

Went driving last night, with my dad. He's a real good teacher. And quite strict, but patient. But alltogether it was fun. Cause we had almost the whole place to ourselves. We practised everything except slopes and parking. So that was good. Gave me a few pointers, here and there. And i did some drag racing, was fun, but my gear shifts were a bit to rough, and too much redlining. Haiys got to improve....i think i should book my TP date already. shit.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

CHeesecake Dinner

1800 the phone rang, my dearie Huimin, called me asking me out to dinner cause she was going to this 'Best in Singapore' cheesecake shop at siglap. The Cheesecake Shop.

Ok so i took my time getting there, cause they were stuck for 1hr25min in No.14. He he. But the travel time was worth it for them i guess. The place was great, the ambiance and the atmosphere. Same feeling i had when i stepped into Grapevine. It only gave me more ideas to design my room and/or home. It had a japanese zen feeling, with the water fountain, and warm earth tones for the wall and ceiling. Even the bathroom was rather large and comfortable.

So we had...ummm..

let me see....

American cheesecake
Walnut cheescake
Strawberry Oreo cheesecake (yummy, but not as creamy)

there was also...

Blueberry cheesecake
Rum and Raisin cheesecake
Peach cheesecake
Peach jelly cheesecake

A night to remember.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Auto Tech Rest Room

This project was my own suggestion cause i felt that our rest room had no identity of its own, and looked like pigsty basically. So i brought it up to LTA Woon, and CPT Eddie happened to be my sugesstion got approved instantly. haha. great for me lah, not a single cent (ok only 4.95 spent).
SO yeah, i started work the friday before started clearing my leave, and came back on monday ( i was on leave ah!).
Painted the base coat and the other walls, with the help of Mu Hai, Bao Jie, Matt Tan, and Alan, who was scrubbing the walls....hehe. So yeah, the original was was white....i mean with A LOT OF BLACK BOOT PRINTS everywhere, thanks to the drivers. (!^$#%^7#9*#&)

After 3 coats of paint, one whole day of detailed drawing and paiting, staying back till 9pm to finish the painting (shit my perfectionism, can't help it).

The way its supposed to be.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rally Trek Mountainbiking

Woke up at 0615, bathed, changed. Packed my stuff, and took the bike. Went to meet Matthew at Tampines Sunplaza Park. Was tagging along to go trail riding. With Wei Xuan, and another friend.
Reached at 0715, only for Matt to be late lah.
We cycled from Tampines, thru Old Tampines Road, Tampines Road to Hougang...was so frekkin tired walau...bloody road was going up, and down.Then on to Ang Mo Kio...(lost count of the mileage already by this point)...legs were killin.
Found out that Adrian was late (the other guy) we had brekkie at AMK central. Chee Chong Fan. Only $1.50. hehe,
So we rushed then to Yio Chu Kang up Yishun, past SBAB, to Mandai Road. 3 click. Up and down 6 times...Such a workout. haha..been a long time. VERY BLOODY long...(shit why am i sounding british) :P Met the guys on the way to the Zoo. Then we went up the trail.
The Mandai course is a very technical course (according to Matt), gear change every 4 seconds, with gradual slopes and turns every 15m. We took the most challenging course. To my dismay. :P
The trail was lined by tree stumps, thorns, and other things that can go *scratch**tear**pierce* and *bump*...unfortunately met all of them.....
OUCH!! my body is shit. *though i look more rugged* hehe.
I guess the worse was falling into the bike. The handlebars twisted and went straight into my left chest.

still hurts..shit. i hope its just a bruise.

So the trail led us to Bukit Timah, and some ulu road...was good for drifting though *Muahahahahah*

The BT trail was more of endurance and stamina, which i lack seriously...hehe. But i managed to pull through most of it save for one bloody steep hill (shit, the british thing again..must be the movie im watching...Bend it like Beckham)

From dairy farm road, all the way to Rifle Range Road...scratched and briused some more..was a fast down hill section so had no time to react...only....*DUCK!!!*haha....

Went out to the Shell along Bukit Timah, washed our bikes and our filthy muddy selves..hehe. Then we headed to Tanglin Mc D...when Adrian decided to go thru the botanic gardens...we went thru, past the symphony stage...this was my first time in there, can only imagine what it is like watching "Ballet under the stars"...maybe we could go for the next one...would sure love it. you know who you are.

SO yeah ate at Mc, and birdwatched... :P
Rode all the way thru Orchard, in and out of the Bugis and along victoria street ALL the way Sims Ave, Bedok, Tanah Merah, Expo, Changi, and Pasir Ris...then
*funny how your mind can be so tired, and yet think tirelessly about someone*

joshie. pain.

MUrAL-i, FTT over.

which dumb ass NSF will spend his day of leave working in camp?


but hey, i wanted to. cause i loved what i was doing. The mural is finally done. And its beautiful. Well, i think it is. But its not my call. Hope to put it online soon. I better start charging for my paintings...can make some money. :P

FTT is over, first time thru, hope i can make it all the way first for TP also.

God has instore for us, many wonderful things, as long as we stick close, he WILL guide us..we dont have to worry about us, just think about HIM.
